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Planning Board Minutes 04/20/06

Minutes of the April 20, 2006 Meeting

Members Present:

        Mary Allen                      Bob Edwards             Mike Genest                     Renee Rabideau          Andrew Robblee  Ed Rowehl                       Brian Sawich                    Alex Snow       
Members Absent:

        Fred Anderson           Scott Burnside                  
Public Attendees:

        Paul Young                      Joe Koziell             Kathy Koziell
        Nick Bosonetto, SWRPC   Jeff Porter, SWRPC      Missy Taylor
        Bill Prokop                     Spencer Garrett

Chairman Edwards opened the meeting at 7:00 PM by introducing Mr. Jeff Porter of Southwest Region Planning Commission. Mr. Porter presented the results of a recent study conducted by SWRPC for the portion of Route 9 between Route 123 in Stoddard and Route 31 in Hillsborough. He indicated that the State was lacking in funds and that no major redesign of that portion of Route 9 was contemplated. He indicated that the next effort to be made by NHDOT would be to establish limited access by the acquisition of land. He did not specify when the State would begin this endeavor. SWRPC is soliciting input from the Towns of Stoddard, Antrim and Hillsborough before they finalize the report. Once completed, the report will be distributed to the Towns.

Mr. Edwards then proceeded with the scheduled meeting for the Board. Mr. Sawich made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 6, 2006 meeting as corrected which was seconded by Mr. Rowehl and passed. The Secretary distributed an organizational chart of the personnel in Town Hall as well as members of various committees associated with the work of the Planning Department.

Capital Improvement Plan: Mr. Snow said that the CIP committee was inactive at this time but would resume its work in June or July by requesting inputs from the various departments. This would lead to the finalization of the Capital Improvement Plan by late December.

Master Plan: Mr. Edwards reported on the April 18th meeting of the committee and the presentation made by Mr. Steve Whitman. Members were polled as to what would be the best night to have a “Visionary Statement” meeting for the Master Plan with the public and the results will be given to Ms. Taylor, Chair of the Master Plan Committee. The next meeting of the Master Plan Committee is scheduled for May 16th.

Buschbaum File # 2004-11PB: Members were provided with a copy of the Court notice that the Settlement Agreement was “approved and so ordered”.

Wenkus – Code violation: Members reviewed a memo from the Code Enforcement Officer which indicated that Mr. Wenkus would remove the shed which had been located in the front yard setback. In addition, he would cease the repair and sales of small machines and vehicles from his residence.

Excavation Sites: Mr. Vasques will coordinate with Mr. Garrett to have the annual inspection of excavation sites undertaken. Both operational procedures and reclamation efforts will be inspected.

Growth Committee: Mr. Edwards reported that the committee met on April 25th and decided that their work would be dependant upon the draft of the Master Plan which would be available in late September or early October.  

Regulations: Mr. Vasques felt that wording should be added to the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations which would require that revisions to drawings be provided in advance of public hearings. This would allow time for the Town Planner and members of the Board to determine if the additional information requested by the Board had been supplied. After some discussion, Ms. Allen moved that the following addition be made to the regulation:

        “Changes to drawings and information requested of the applicant during the      review process shall be submitted to the Town Planner seven (7) calendar days   prior to the date of a continued hearing. Failure to do so may, at the discretion of    the Planning Board Chairman, result in the scheduled hearing to be cancelled and        rescheduled to a later date.”

Mr. Sawich seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Genest made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by Mr. Sawich and passed. Mr. Edwards adjourned the meeting at 10:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Planning Board